
Querying the MediaStore

2015年9月25日 — However, when I tried installing the app on my friend's Sony Xperia Z3, everything failed. ... There will be images missing thumbnails, and vice ...

Sharing and Managing Photos and Videos

When viewing thumbnails of photos and videos in Album, touch and hold an item ... Sony Xperia Z3 Compact > Sharing and Managing Photos and Videos. Contents ...

Solved: Thumbnail

I'm using Xperia Z3 Compact and I have the same problem. I delete thumbnail folder which is around 1,5 GB but after a while it reappear again with almost same ...

Viewing Photos and Videos

Auto-rotate screen button under Settings > Display > Screen rotation. To change the size of the thumbnails. •. When viewing thumbnails of photos and videos in ...

Why aren't thumbnails and screenshots loading in the Play Store ...

Hello, I have a completely stock Sony Xperia Z3. For some reason, none of the thumbnails nor screenshots load in the Play Store. They will only load when I ...

Xperia™ Z3 取扱説明書

2017年8月31日 — You can view how to use Xperia ™ Z3. You can use Xperia ™ Z3 more conveniently, such as being able to launch settings screens and apps from ...

z3 compact thumbnail files... HUGE PROBLEM

my problem is the thumbnail files created automatically in DCIM folder in internal memory. I've setted the phone to save photos on SD card of course, but the ...


2015年9月25日—However,whenItriedinstallingtheapponmyfriend'sSonyXperiaZ3,everythingfailed....Therewillbeimagesmissingthumbnails,andvice ...,WhenviewingthumbnailsofphotosandvideosinAlbum,touchandholdanitem...SonyXperiaZ3Compact>SharingandManagingPhotosandVideos.Contents ...,I'musingXperiaZ3CompactandIhavethesameproblem.Ideletethumbnailfolderwhichisaround1,5GBbutafterawhileitreappearagainwith...

Thumbnail Database Cleaner 1.1 - thumbs.db清除工具

Thumbnail Database Cleaner 1.1 - thumbs.db清除工具


PhotoCap 6.0 - 數位照片的最佳幫手

PhotoCap 6.0 - 數位照片的最佳幫手
